A review of the De-Fi scene in April 2021.
Informing the CyberTrade community of developments at CyberTrade and its ecosystem.
Multi-Skilled IT Professional. Roles include; Software Developer, Development Manager and Project Manager/Scrum Master. Solid history of software development and software delivery. Now specialising in Cryptocurrency trading systems and Client Relationship Management (CRM). Founder of the CyberTrade company and the Developer of www.Cybertrade.io website and certain CyberTrade proof-of-concept decentralised applications.
Recently, Coin Market Capital reported that 5,944 Cryptocurrencies were being traded across 405 Exchanges. The combined market capital was reported as $361bn.
Given very limited institutional and corporate involvement in cryptocurrencies, CyberTrade estimates that 80% of cryptocurrency market capital is provided by retail investors/traders.
As of 23rd July 2019, Coinbase (One of the largest, retail oriented, Fiat to Crypto money exchanges) announced it had over 30m users, with 8m users being added in the past year.
CyberTrade estimates that, world-wide, there are between 50m and 100m, retail investor/traders.
Currently, there are some $16bn worth of bitcoin transactions per day. This means that bitcoin transaction exceed those of American Express and only Visa and Mastercard process more transaction value per day.
The cryptocurrency market compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is expected to be over 60% between 2020 and 2025.
Growth is therefore expected to come from two sources. Existing holders buying more cryptocurrency and new customers buying cryptocurrency, for the first time.
Given recent events, including financial crisis, economic slowdown and a pandemic, governments all over the world have been engaged in 'Quantitative easing' / 'money printing'. Trillions of Dollars have been created this way, by China, The European Union, UK and USA, amongst others. Almost everyone affected by Q.E has noticed that the buying power of their currency has diminished, over time.
By contrast, most cryptocurrencies have a strictly limited currency supply, or else allow for only a modest increase in the coins circulating.
So, as a 'store of value' cryptocurrency is looking better as compared to national fiat currencies.
The future looks good for cryptocurrencies, but what are the killer applications?
As more and more people participate in cryptocurrency networks, the utility value of those computer networks increases. This value us likely to take off as inevitable killer applications begin to arrive. Thinking back to the internet, websites, email, e-commerce, social networking and messaging were the killer applications that led to dramatic growth. In the cryptosphere, killer applications are likely to be financial in nature.
Of these, DeFi has experienced the most explosive growth during 2020.
Investment and trading applications provide the best means of growing funds and accumulate capital sums. The primary categories of trading are:-
Trading Categories:
CyberTrade will work on any/all of the above categories and publish resulting services into the calalogue of the one-stop-shop.
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CyberTrade does not request or store any personal information.
The Decentia arbitrage platform is deployed on multiple, public, decentralised cryptocurrency exchanges (DEX) on several blockchains and trades automatically, 24 hrs per day.