CyberTrade - Decentia.

CyberTrade is a Web3 / DeFi software developer and is the creator of the 'Decentia' arbitrage platform.

Decentia performs fundless, multi-exchange, multi-hop, arbitrage trading on the decentralised exchanges (DEX) of the blockchain.

The 'Decentia' name is derrived from 'Decentralised Intelligent Arbitrage'.

CyberTrade designed Decientia to generate trading profits while avoiding two specific issues:

Issue 1. Avoid risks of 'Centralised exchanges' (CEX)
Issue 2. Avoid the uncertainty of 'Price prediction'.

Decentia - Decentralised Intelligent Arbitrage Platform

CyberTrade - Evolving a sophisticated Intelligent arbitrage platform, trading autonomously and generating profits from market inefficiencies.

Decentia - Decentralised Intelligent Arbitrage

Issue 1 - Avoid CEX Risks

The main risk of Centralised exchanges (CEX) [e.g. Binance, Coinbase etc] is that they take 'custody' of customer funds. Customers must surrender custody of trading funds to a platform controlled by other people. That places customers in a  weak position.

Typically, a trader must deposit significant funds onto a CEX, in a number of different cryptocurrencies, this means that trading funds are 'at risk'. CEX also impose arbitary 'withdrawal' and 'transaction rate' limits. Finally CEX control who can and who can't log-in.

Funds on a CEX might be stolen by internal owners/staff . CEX user interfaces are sometimes just a 'facade', showing 'balances' that are used elsewhere to perform risky trading using customer funds. CEX are also 'prime targets' for regulators who, due to the 'custody' issue, impose restrictions, and intrusive KYC.

CyberTrade decided to never be at the mercy of any centralised platform controlled by other people, because, in crypto, the people are often the problem. CyberTrade operates on an 'unrestricted' basis, free from interference, or requiring 'permission' from third parties.

CyberTrade is mindful of the truism: 'Not your keys, Not your crypto' and for reasons of independence and freedom of action, trades via non-custodial, public, Decentralised exchanges (DEX), on multiple (permission-less) open/public blockchains.

Issue 2 - Avoid Price Prediction

Anyone who has experienced price-prediction trading (e.g. swing / day trading) at a Crypto exchange, can confirm that such trading is difficult, time-consuming and stressful. Especially if performed manually.

The trading learning-curve immediately presents a number of challenges:

1. Understanding different types of trading (Swing / Day / Futures / Perpetuals etc)
2. Learning 'Technical Analysis'.
3. Mastering 'Shorting' and 'Leveraging''.
4. Understanding Fundamental Analysis
5. Reading Market sentiment

With relatively little obvious information to go on, it is very difficult to make money by predicting whether the price of a cryptocurrency will go up or down, especially over a short period of time.

Decentia - Decentralised Intelligent Arbitrage

CyberTrade Solution -
Decentralised Arbitrage

CyberTrade avoided the CEX and price prediction issues by specialising in arbitrage trading on decentralised exchanges (DEX). This form of trading benefits from market inefficiencies. In particular,  differences in in the current prices (no price prediction) of tokens / coins across 'autonomous' (no people) Decentralised exchanges (DEX).

As deployed, Decentia performs arbitrage trading across a range of public (Web 3) DEX (e.g Uniswap_v2, Uniswap_v3, Sushi Swap, Pancake Swap, ApeX, Aave, Curve, DoDo etc). Each DEX is hosted on several different blockchains such as Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitum, Optimism etc.

The combinations of available blockchains and DEX is constantly increasing, offering more and more combinations / places for DEX arbitrage. The precise number being given by the factorial formula: C(n,s) = n!/(s!(n-s)!) where n is the number of exchanges on a blockchain and s is the number of swaps ('hops') per arbitrage trade.

Decentia intelligently searches for new volatility  24 hrs per day x 365 days a year. Within that volatility, Decentia idenfifies price differences and constructs potential arbitrage trades, which are then validated for profitability via (on-chain) trade simulation. Only validated, profitable arbitrage trades are executed.

As it happens, no trading funds are ever at risk/required because in the DEX / Decentralised Finance (De-Fi) world, DEX provide 'flash loans' to fund every arbitrage trade made.

CyberTrade - Decentralised Intelligent Arbitrage (Decentia)

The Result

Decentia is a 'high frequency' intelligent arbitrage trading platform, creating incremental profit, with no trading risk, without requiring any trading capital.

This remarkable capability is due to the following:-
1. The ability to use the 'Flash Loan' concept, to fund trades (Unique to Blockchain / De-Fi)
2. The ability to scan the blockchain to find price volatility
3. The ability to perform multi-hop trades to find non-obvious arbitrage opportunities
4. The ability to identify sufficiently profitable trades
5. The ability to 'simulate' trades to confirm profitability
6. The ability to 'revert' (cancel) any trade that suddenly becomes unprofitable

Furthermore, trading gains are not dependent on a rising market. Arbitrage trading generates profits regardless of whether the market is rising or falling. All that matters is that there are price differences between different (DEX) exchanges.

The Decentia platform is operational, profitable and is being continuously developed to keep pace with blockchain developments and further enhance profits.

Operating on the public blockchain, Decentia freely accesses all necessary decentralised, public blockchains and exchanges, without let or hindrance. (permissionless access).